Harry Jones 1000 Yard Benchrest Club
600 Yard Results

For 2024 The Harry Jones Memorial Benchrest Club will be shooting the Freedom Benchrest 600 Yard Matches.


April 13th

May 18th

June 15th

July 20th

August 17th



The Harry Jones Memorial Benchrest Club
2023 600 Yard 4 Target Results

4 Target Results

April 22nd

May 20th

June 24th

July 22nd

September 30th


April 16th

May 14th

June 11th

July 16th

September 10th

August 13th


May 29th

Thirty six (36) shooters with 56 total guns came out to enjoy a day of Benchrest Shooting at the inaugural Harry Jones Memorial 600 Yard GBA Match which was held on Saturday, May 29, 2021. There were multiple pending GBA records shot during the match. Following are the official results:

Winning Light Gun Group Agg with a 1.908" was Jack Balon.

Light Gun Score agg went to Mike Smith with 196.   RECORD  

Light Gun Overall was won by Zack Donovant.

Heavy Gun Group agg went to Zack Donovant with 1.384”.   RECORD  

Heavy Gun Score agg. went to Fred Cali who shot 194.

Heavy Gun Overall also went to Zack Donovant.

Two Gun Overall went to Zack Donovant.

Factory Gun Group agg. was won by Joe Laskarin with 3.265".

Factory Gun Score agg. went to Mike McDougal with 184.   RECORD  

Factory Gun Overall was won by Joe Laskarin

Tactical Gun Group agg. was Justin Vance with 2.347”.   RECORD  

Tactical Gun Score went to Justin Vance with 190.   RECORD  

Tactical Gun Overall went to Justin Vance.

Other pending RECORDS:

Ken Swiger: Tactical Gun Single Target Group. 1.216"

Justin Vance : Tactical Gun Single Target Score. 50-2X

Joe Laskarin : Factory Gun Single Target Score. 50-2X

The Harry Jones Memorial Benchrest 1000 Yard Club would like to thank all of the shooters who came out to participate in the Maqtch.

June 26th

Thirty Two (32) Shooters with 55 total guns came out to enjoy a day Benchrest Shooting at the Harry Jones Memorial 600 Yard GBA Match on Saturday 6/26/21. The mirage and a bit of wind made for a challenging day. Following are the results:

Winning Light Gun Group Agg with a 2.578" was James Ohara.

Light Gun Score agg went to Fred Calai with a 189.

Light Gun Overall was won by Fred Calai.

Heavy Gun Group agg went to James Eazor with 2.197”

Heavy Gun Score agg. went to Zack Donovant who shot 191

Heavy Gun Overall also went to Roy Hunter.

Two Gun Overall went to Zack Donovant.

Factory Gun Group agg. was won by Mike McDougal with 3.724".

Factory Gun Score agg. went to Mike McDougal with 176.

Factory Gun Overall was won by Mike McDougal.

Tactical Gun Group agg. was Ken Swiger with 2.320”.

Tactical Gun Score went to Ed Berint with 189.

Tactical Gun Overall went to Ken Swiger.

The Harry Jones Memorial Benchrest 1000 Yard Club would like to thank all of the shooters who came out to enjoy a day at the range.

July 13th

Thirty Four (34) Shooters came out to enjoy a fun day of 600 Yard Benchrest Shooting. Following are the results for the Harry Jones Memorial GBA 600 Match #3.

Winning Light Gun Group Agg with a 1.805" was Dan Patinski.

Light Gun Score agg went to Dan Patinski. with a 198-9x.

Light Gun Overall was won by Dan Patinski.

Heavy Gun Group agg went to James Eazor with 1.904”

Heavy Gun Score agg. went to Zack Donovant who shot 196

Heavy Gun Overall also went to James Eazor.

Two Gun Overall went to Dan Patinski

Factory Gun Group agg. was won by Joe Laskarin with 2.267".   RECORD  

Factory Gun Score agg. went to Joe Laskarin with 187-2x.   RECORD  

Factory Gun Overall was won by Joe Laskarin

Tactical Gun Group agg. was Justin Vance with 1.761”.   RECORD  

Tactical Gun Score went to Ken Swiger with 196-4x.   RECORD  

Tactical Gun Overall went to Justin Vance.

Other pending RECORDS:

Mike McDougal: Factory Gun Single Target. 50-2x

Justin Vance : Tactical Gun Single Target. .963”

The Harry Jones Memorial Benchrest 1000 Yard Club would like to thank all of the shooters who came out to enjoy a day of fellowship and shooting at the range.


May 5th

Harry Jones Memorial Benchrest Club held its' first GBA 600 Yard Match on Sunday May 5, 2019.

Winning Light Gun Group Agg with a 2.621 was Gary Fluharty.

Light gun score agg went to JC Jarrell with a 189.

Light gun overall was won by Gary Fluharty.

Heavy Gun group agg went to Ben Cherry with a 2.604

Heavy gun score agg. went to Ben Cherry who shot a 184

Heavy gun overall also went to Ben Cherry.

Two Gun overall went to Gary Fluharty

Factory gun group agg. was won by Ken Swiger with a 4.055

Factory gun score agg. went to Chuck Weatherholt with a 155

Factory gun overall was won by Ken Swiger

Hunter gun Group agg. was Gary Fluharty with a 3.240

Hunter gun score went to Gary Munson who shot a 173

Hunter gun overall went to Gary Fluharty

It was a great day shooting with great friends.

June xxth


July 7th

Winning light gun score with an agg. of 188 was JC Jarrell

Light gun group winner was Dan Patinski with an agg. of 1.554

Light gun overall was also Dan Patinski

Heavy gun score winner was Dan Patinski with an agg. of 193

Heavy gun group winner with an agg. of 1.853 was Stanley Taylor

Heavy gun overall was won by Dan Patinski who also won the two gun overall

Factory gun score agg. was won by Alan Malone with a 177

Factory gun group winner was Gary Munson with an agg. of 2.391

Alan Malone won the Factory gun overall

Gary Munson also shot a Harry Jones Club Record in the Factory Class with a Group Score of 1.636

Hunter gun score agg. was won by Jimmy Norman with a 161

Hunter gun group agg. was won by Jimmy Norman with a 6.924

Jimmy also took home the Hunter gun overall

The next 600 yard match at White Horse will be held on Sunday, August 4 2019.

New shooters are always welcome.

August xxth


September 8th